Monday 18 August 2014

ISBN / Jacques and Happiness

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it"

Jacques Prevert

Style / Daria Werbowy in Celine

I love everything about this photo.  I love the pink bath, the green bracelets, the pink of the bath with the green of the bracelets, the luxurious looking warm water.  This is truly one of those images that make you think that's what baths should be like and when I grow up that is what they will be like.  Alas...

Sunday 17 August 2014

In 1959 Frank Sinatra sang in a film entitled A Hole in the Head “just what makes a little old ant think he’ll move a rubber tree plant. Anyone knows an ant can’t move a rubber tree plant, but he’s got high hopes, he's got high hopes, he's got high in the sky apple pie hopes … so any time you’re feeling low ‘stead of letting go just remember that ant - oops there goes another rubber tree plant”.  Here are my high hopes… or even my carrying on despite of the odds.

This is my attempt to try, the put down on paper, to create.  Create what exactly I am not entirely sure. But hopefully by the time I get going we would have swum into clearer waters, clearer airs, or at the very least be pushing the vague concoctions of this sleeping beauty style uncooked cake into some order, even if its just the sort of order that is propped up with bookshelves, wooden spoons and brooms and needs to be constantly watched and re-propped. I, like Julie Andrews after all, have confidence in Springtime.

If you are interested in these arts you are very welcome. Please make yourself at home. I will shortly (hopefully) be providing some interactive spaces on here that you can move into and make your own.